Somló Holding

Welcome to the Somló

About the Somló Holding

In the second half of the 1960’s the agricultural cooperatives experienced a fast technological progress, apart from the agricultural activities, a process of manufacturing industrial products started. The country’s seventh biggest cooperative, the “Virágzó” Corporation started funding factories for manufacturing wood, steal and clothing. During the regimen change the agricultural sector went through a difficult phase. As a consequence many industrial co-operatives shut down. However, in the city of Devercser, Tornai Tamás founded a new, unique corporation. A couple of years later every steam of the corporation started functioning individually. The nowadays Somló Holding diverse activities is due to the old fund and the continuous renewal process.

It is a fully Hungarian company, a family run business; which has a significant economic role meanwhile providing labour opportunities.


Our activities

The Holding in numbers

HU-8460 Devecser,
Vasút utca 29.

+36 70 / 3399 880


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